27-31 MAY 2024

Dedicated to: Genoa Institutions and Logistic Enterprises


About the Mission

The mission is addressed to the Municipality of Genova (Comune di Genova), the Genoa Airport Authority (Autorità Aeroportuale di Genova), the Consorzio Ligure GOAS, and the consortium members. The mission has been devised to fulfill institutional, promotional, and commercial purposes and will take place in the form of a five-day roadshow located both in Hong Kong and in the Greater Bay Area.

Build an international network 

During the mission, the participants will have the opportunity to meet both Italian and local institutions, as well as the designated airport and port authorities. This will allow them to initiate preliminary contacts and resume the already existing relations, especially with the city of Guangzhou. Furthermore, to pursue commercial needs, the mission will support local participants in meeting local companies active in the logistics, digital, and aviation sectors. Developing these commercial relationships will be beneficial to the cargo area development at the Airport of Genova.