Knights of Alba Hong Kong



Head of Delegation

Other Contacts


Deputy Head of Delegation

Knights of Alba Hong Kong website

On February 22nd, 1967 a Food and Wine Brotherhood named the Order of Knights of the Truffle and Wines of Alba was formed in a small trattoria in the village of Grinzane Cavour. Galvanized and led by Luciano Degiacomi, the association’s twenty-one Founder members – who used to love underlining their “disinterest and independence” – drew up Articles of Association setting out the Order’s main purposes as preserving, safeguarding, or reintroducing local customs, practices, and traditions, raising the profile of local food and wine, and actively promoting the typical wines and food of Alba both in Italy and abroad. The twenty-one founder Knights were all “Albesi”, or in any case from the surrounding hills of the Langhe.

The Order of Knights of the Truffle and Wines of Alba is now led by Tomaso Zanoletti, the Grand Master of the Order from 2022. The Order is headquartered in the prestigious Castle of Grinzane Cavour. The symbolic significance of this location in the history of Italy was specifically recognized by UNESCO World Heritage in 2014.

The Hong Kong Delegation is the first Delegation of the Order born in Asia by the will of the Grand Master Alfredo Boratto. It was officially established in 2006 under the guidance of Master John A. Dibble until 2018 when Master Jean Charles Viens took over. Since 2020 the Delegation has been led by Master Alan Kwok.

Today the Order has more than 2000 Knights from all over the world, with Delegations in Hong Kong, Switzerland, New York, Napa Valley, Taiwan, Austria, and Dubai. Led by Masters, they organize Chapters dedicated to our food and wine traditions, outstanding products, and highly-regarded wines.


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