

Manager of the International Affairs Office



Founded by Politecnico di Milano in 1999, POLI.design represents a bridge between education and the world of profession, thanks to an international perspective and several partnerships con universities, schools, institutions and companies across the world.
Knowledge, value and innovation: these are the key pillars of POLI.design which, together with the Design Department and the School of Design, forms one of the most relevant hubs of the Design system of Politecnico di Milano, and contributes to the Italian Design System, thanks to its proximity with the main National Bodies dedicated to Design, such as ADI (Italian Design Association) and AIPI (Interior Designers Italian Association).
Politecnico di Milano was founded in 1863 and it is one of the most prestigious Polytechnic institutions in the world. According to the QS World University Ranking 2023, within the field of Art and Design, it is the 1st in Italy, 4th in Europe and 8th in the world.
POLI.design is based in Milan where, thanks to its active participation to fairs and international events and its collaboration with the main Showrooms and Cultural Institutions, it represents a dynamic and innovative centre of excellence for the Design disciplines. During the years, thanks to its network of international relationships, POLI.design has developed tailor made educational projects for students, professionals and companies from across the globe.
POLI.design academic offer includes more than 25 Polytechnic Specializing Masters and Executive Courses for students or professionals and tailor-made courses that can be held in Milan or abroad.
Furthermore, POLI.design offers Educational Experiences of short and medium duration, such as Study Tours, which represent a unique academic path where theory and practice are blended together. Guided by leading experts of the field, participants will have the opportunity to acquire competence within the different disciplines of Design and explore some of the most renowned hotspots of the capital of Italian Design. The program aims at providing international delegations of professionals and/or students with basic knowledge of Design tools and culture, while experiencing immersive tours, hands-on practical projects carried on by internationally renowned academics and professionals.


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